Pondering why the UK is the largest users of UPF.
Addiction Economy Thought For Today - interesting to see the contribution of the 4 components of the Addiction Economy to this shocking chart.
People will say that 'it's the culture' of Mediterranean countries to eat fresh veg which makes them less likely to consume this. But I wonder how much of the 'culture' in the UK is created by the Addiction Economy companies who are allowed to flourish here by governments and regulations which don't curtail their activity.
The 4 components
Addictive formulation
Creation of hyper palatable foods using processes and ingredients to stimulate over consumption
Predatory Marketing
Interested to find what % of UK advertising is from UPF products. Poor communities deliberately targeted with a much higher percentage of ads in poorer areas.
Loads of that as Grant Ennis and Chris van Tulleken works shows
Undermining policy action
Lots and lots of lobbying.
Our White Paper on the Economic Model here