Pondering the usefulness of the Un-addiction Economy! (Copy)

Addiction Economy Thought for Today - does regulation work in even the most difficult cases?

We are exploring what works and doesn't to reduce harms to society from addictive products. It seems possible that the social and psychological aspects of addiction may be as important as the addictive element, so looking for lessons beyond addiction.

I had a poke about in the area of guns and came across this graphic on gun control vs regulation in America. Wow.

Of course this also doesn't represent a cause and effect. The states where guns are less socially embedded are likely to have the strong laws and vice versa, so it doesn't mean either strengthening or deregulating will change things dramatically, or does it? But worth reflecting on nonetheless.


Pondering why the UK is the largest users of UPF.


Unsurprised that vapes are linked to potential for cancer